In case you lose them:
Chapter 11:
1. What was the past relationship like between Holden and Jane?
Chapter 12:
1. What do Holden and the cab driver talk about?
2. Why does Holden leave Ernie's?
Chapter 13:
1. Previously Holden stated he was a "pacifist." Does this description of how he would deal with the "glove thief" support this, or is he just yellow. (Definition of "pacifist" - think Gandhi or Martin Luther King, Jr.)
Chapter 14:
1. Does Holden have any guilty feelings about Allie? Do YOU feel this is abnormal in any way, or normal?
2. What made Holden cry?
3. What evidence shows us that Holde might have made a good actor?
Chapter 15:
1. What is the point Holden tries to make about people when he elaborates about the suitcases of the nuns and of his former roommate?
2. How does Holden treat the nurse?
3. Why does Holden think it spoils the conversation if someone asks what religion he is?
Chapter 16:
1. Who does Holden make a date with? Why does he call her up if he thinks she's a phony?
2. How does Holden treat little kids? Give an example.
3. Does Holden know his way around the city? What does this tell us about him?