1. Restate thesis
· ______ and _________ are two of the symptoms of teenage depression that Holden Caulfield exhibits.
· Through the symptoms of __ and ___, Holden demonstrates that he is a troubled young man who suffers from depression.
· The
symptoms of teenage depression that Holden Caulfield exhibits are
common from teenagers suffering from this disorder.
2. Summarize your two symptoms from your body paragraph in 1-2 sentences
· Holden’s _______ and his _________ are both evidence that Holden is a depressed young man.
· Write 1-2 summarizing the points from your body paragraphs à show how the points in your paper fit together.
3. Concluding sentence – leaves the reader something to think about
· Even
though Holden is a fictional character, he represents the depression
that many teenagers in the United States, and beyond, experience.
· Many of the symptoms of depression that Holden experiences are also shared by teenagers throughout the world
· Thankfully,
in real life, teenagers suffering from these and other mental health
issues can get the help that they need and recover from this disorder.
· Depression
is a serious psychological problem that affects millions of teens in
America, and it is often literary figures that remind us of this/bring
this to mind.
· Is Holden a true symbol of teenage depression?