Ms. Broad's Class Blog


Due Dates - Week of February 11th

1. Body paragraphs DUE WEDNESDAY, Feb. 13
2. Introductory paragraph DUE WEDNESDAY, Feb. 13
3. Quiz on end of the novel on FRIDAY, Feb. 15
4. NEW chapter questions DUE FRIDAY, Feb. 15

Chapter Questions: 22-26

Chapter 22:
1. What are some of the reasons Holden tells Phoebe about why he hated Pencey Prep?
2. What does it tell us about Holden when Phoebe states, “You don’t like anything that’s happening.”
3. Describe three things Phoebe and Holden discuss when he sneaks into his parents’ house to visit her.  (You can use chapter 21 to help you answer this question)
4.  Who does Holden start thinking about when he is talking to Phoebe?  What happened to this person?
5. Explain what it means when Holden tells Phoebe that he wants to be the “catcher in the rye.”

Chapter 23
1.  Who does Holden call from his parents’ apartment?  What does he want from this person?
2.  What does Phoebe give Holden?  What does Holden give Phoebe?
3. Holden says that he is nervous about his parents coming home, but at the end of the chapter he states, “I figured if they caught me, they caught me.  I almost wished they did, in a way.”  What do you think this means?

Chapter 24
1. Why did Holden fail his speech class?
2. Why is it ironic that Holden tells Mr. Antolini, “I’m a moderate smoker.”
3. What advice does Antolini give Holden?
4. What is Holden’s relationship with Mr. Antolini?  What happens between them that makes Holden leave?

Chapter 25

1.  What does Holden say when he steps off the curb?  Why does he keep repeating this?
2.  What is Holden’s reaction to the article about hormones?
3.  Although Holden uses bad language, why was he so upset about the curse words on the school wall?
4. What does Phoebe bring with her when she meets Holden at the museum?  How does he react to this?
5. What does Holden mean when he states, “The thing with kids is, if they want to grab for the gold ring, you have to let them do it, and not say anything.  If they fall off, they fall off, but it’s bad if you say anything to them”?

Chapter 26
1. What do you think happens to Holden between the end of Chapter 25 and Chapter 26?
2. What are the last two lines of the story?  What does Holden mean when he says this?